Lokesh Krishna

I am a PhD student at the Dynamic Robotics and Control Laboratory advised by Quan Nguyen at the University of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering. I received my Bachelor's in Electronics Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi. My research focuses on control synthesis for agile multi-mode robot control to achieve extreme performance, leveraging reinforcement learning and optimal control—guided by the principles of control theory.

In my past life, I was a student researcher at Stochastic Robotics Lab, IISc, advised by Shishir Kolathaya and Ayonga Hereid, developing lightweight control frameworks for robust bipedal walking and at the Movement Generation and Control Group, Max Planck Institute, working on agile bipedal locomotion with Majid Khadiv. At the Seethapathi Motor Control Lab, MIT, I briefly collaborated on human locomotor adaptation.

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Dynamic Bipedal Loco-manipulation using Oracle Guided Multi-mode Policies with Mode-transition Preference
Prashanth Ravichandar, Lokesh Krishna, Nikhil Sobanbabu, Quan Nguyen

website / arXiv / GitHub / video
OGMP: Oracle Guided Multi-mode Policies for Agile and Versatile Robot Control
Lokesh Krishna, Nikhil Sobanbabu, Quan Nguyen

arXiv / GitHub / video
Learning Multimodal Bipedal Locomotion and Implicit Transitions: A Versatile Policy Approach
Lokesh Krishna, Quan Nguyen
Accepted at IROS 2023
arXiv / video
Linear Policies are Sufficient to Realize Robust Bipedal Walking on Challenging Terrains
Lokesh Krishna*, Guillermo Castillo*, Utkarsh Mishra, Ayonga Hereid, Shishir Kolathaya
Accepted at IEEE RA-L (journal) and ICRA 2022
IEEE Xplore / arXiv / video
Learning Linear Policies for Robust Bipedal Locomotion on Terrains with Varying Slopes
Lokesh Krishna, Utkarsh Mishra, Guillermo Castillo, Ayonga Hereid, Shishir Kolathaya
Accepted at IROS 2021
IEEE Xplore / arXiv / project page / video
Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion on Sloped Terrains: A Linear Policy Approach
Kartik Paigwar, Lokesh Krishna, Sashank Tirumala, Naman khetan, Aditya Sagi, Ashish Joglekar, Shalabh Bhatnagar, Ashitava Ghosal, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Shishir Kolathaya
Accepted at CoRL 2020
PMLR / arXiv / project page / GitHub / video / slides
Code Fossils

A Framework for Learning Human Locomotor Adaptation under Rigid Body assumptions
GitHub / Video

Learning Agile Bipedal Locomotion Through Trajectory Driven
Multi Stage Learning

GitHub / Video

Jerbot: a biomimetic bipedal robot
GitHub / Video

Intelligent Picking for ware house automation National Finalists, Flipkart Grid 2.0 Robotics Challenge
GitHub / video

LudoBot: An autonmous ludo solving robot
GitHub / Video

GestureBot: A mobile manpualtion platform for gesture controlled teleoperation
GitHub / Video

AADOpt: A Framework for Antenna Array Design and Synthesis through Optimisation

ArduinoMLP: A NN netowrk library for Arduino

cs188 Technical Head, 2020-21

Founder, 2020

Coordinator, Robotics Summer Camp 2021

Mentor, Robotics Summer Camp 2020

Panel Member, 2020-21

Mentor, 2019-20

I am a Roboticist, I dont make cool websites. He does.